The PCB – and Does it impact???
Well as the header suggests, I am sure you are wondering what PCB stands for? Well let me clear the air… If you think PCB is Printed Circuit Board which is used in electronic equipments ranging from mobile phones to computers, this is not about them. The abbreviation PCB here means the “Palaniappan Chidambaram Budget”. While some may call it a Pro-Voter budget and some others call it a divine gift to the nation, some also term it as a huge financial failure. Put together Mr. PC has overall done well to please the people who matter the most to his existence, the poor of this country. Mr. PC was very sure of what he was doing. He must have got very clear instructions from the High Command that his budget would write the script for next five years of congress’ future. And he did exactly what the doctor (I wonder when she passed out her MBBS) ordered. But, pause for a while and think… Does the highly politicised budget of this country actually affect you?? Well if you are able to read ...